Good online presentation #1: Overview

A good online presentation requires the necessary preparation. Apart from a good familiarization and preparation of a topic, the same questions always arise: What should be on the slides? What is the best way to activate the audience? Which elements should be used? – In this series you will learn the top tips and features of a presentation that really works!

What makes a good online presentation?

Whether on-site or online from your home office – even if you have already had a multitude of successful presentations at university, at a client meeting or even at conferences regularly stand in front of a larger audience and give presentations, a good tip can never hurt, because you can always do better!

Preperation is the key for a good online presentation.

A good presentation requires the necessary preparation. Apart from a good familiarization and preparation of a topic, the same questions always arise: What should be on the slides? What is the best way to activate the audience? Which elements should be used? – In this series you will learn the top tips and features of a presentation that really works!

Preview on the tips






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