Good online presentation #6: Direct attention!

In a screen-sharing presentation, you often direct the participants’ attention with the mouse. Everyone sees what you are doing and pays attention to every movement of your mouse cursor. But be careful! Because lecturing using a mouse carries risks, especially if you just want to check something briefly without the audience’s attention.

Since every participant can see what you’re doing, it’s easy to accidentally show content that wasn’t intended for the audience’s eye, like your email inbox or browser.

Direct attention with a ping point

It’s more elegant to direct attention with a ping point as a attention tool. Only when yout click in the presentation a ping point is displayed to the paticipants. This way you are sure that no unintended information or mouse movements are visible.

Ping points also encourage dialogue, as participants can also use ping points to mark areas on the slide where they have questions.

The attention of your participants is precisely controlled by you.

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