Modern sales tools #3: Sales enablement tools

Sales enablement tools and business meetings Information about the business talk participants, that where collected via sales enablement, are typically used before the sales talk for example to adjust the presentation. But a lot of information is not seamlessly available during the business conversation to support the presentator.

What is sales enablement?

Modern sales requires comprehensive sales enablement for all processes. Sales enablement comprises the strategic equipping of the marketing and sales department with effective and efficient tools that enable the creation, processing and forwarding of modern documents. The goal here is to sustainably support the sales department in all sales activities that arise and to ensure that every sales employee has all the resources to interact with buyers at every step of the buying process at all times.

Sales enablement tools and business meetings

Information about the business talk participants, that where collected via sales enablement, are typically used before the sales talk for example to adjust the presentation. But a lot of information is not seamlessly available during the business conversation to support the presentator.

Sales enablement tools and Jambo5

Jambo5 carries the sales enablement informations into the sales conversation. It provides additional information during the conversation and is able to modify them according to preliminary information.

Jambo5 gathers information during the business talk for subsequent sales steps.

Other sales enablement tools on the market

No Installation, no App
Serious about security & privacy
99.99% uptime the last 12 months
Scalable cloud solution
GDPR compliant