Modern sales tools #4: CRM tools

The business conversation is often not explicitly mapped in CRM tools. The information about what was shown to whom and what the result was is entered manually into the CRM system and follow-up processes are triggered. There is no automatic information to the customer about the individual result documents. Informing the customer about the points discussed either does not take place at all or only in a manual process. There is an automation and information gap between business talk preperation and follow-up.

What is a CRM tool?

CRM, or customer relationship management, refers to a strategy for systematically shaping an organization’s relationships and interactions with existing and potential customers. A CRM system helps companies stay in touch with their customers, optimize processes and increase profitability.

CRM tools and Jambo5

Jambo5 creates a PDF document with all results votes, tasks and resolutions that can be assigned in CRM.

All the presentation pages shown and the annotations/drawings on these pages are also included in the PDF.

In all common CRM systems the PDF document can be stored, where all information about the presentation is stored contact-specific.

You are able to extended your CRM System with information about presentations held and with PDF documents that content the business meeting results.

Other CRM tools on the market

No Installation, no App
Serious about security & privacy
99.99% uptime the last 12 months
Scalable cloud solution
GDPR compliant