August 30, 2022 | Wolfgang Müller
What are sales automation tools?
Sales automation tools refer to the comprehensive automation of sales processes by means of intelligent hardware and software. Through better management, administrative tasks are to be minimized in this way, thus making everyday work easier. The aim here is that the salesperson can invest the time thus saved in the actual sales conversation.
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a way of using automation software in your own company and supports the sales department in managing customer data. A good and well-maintained CRM system is the perfect repository of easily retrievable digital records, customer data and project information and provides useful insights in daily use.
Sales automation tools and business meetings
Business talks are currently very static. There are linear PowerPoint presentations that, if at all, are manually adapted to the conversation in advance by showing and hiding slides and individualizing names for the greeting. The result is often a copy of the presentation that is discarded in the aftermath.
Participants, comments and results of the talk are recorded manually and transferred to the CRM after the talk. This happens often time-delayed for days, and, if it goes well, made available to the participants.
The tasks resulting from the business meeting are then created and processed in the CRM, whereby the details are also defined here from the memory and the manual notes of the presenter. You always run the risk that the participants have a different reminder of the conversation details or the agreed next steps.
Sales automation tools and Jambo5
- Automatic registration of participants
- Automatic creation of result PDF with
- Participant name, role and contact info
- Pencil selling marks
- Notes with appoved status
- Contains only pages that where shown
- Results of polls or other interactive tools
- Automatic change of presentation according to input before or during presentation
- Automatic adjustment of presentation before according to parameters from CRM e.g. participant name
- Automatic assign meeting participants to contacts in CRM